Author: Harbourfront Technologies

Diffusive Volatility and Jump Risks

Implied volatility is an estimation of the future volatility of a security’s price. It is calculated using an option-pricing model, such as the Black-Scholes model, as it takes into account various factors including the current price of the underlying asset and its strike price. Implied volatility helps investors to gauge …

Factor Model for Delta-Hedged Options Returns

Options are contracts that allow traders to buy or sell a security at a predetermined price. Options give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option). They are traded on exchanges like stocks and have their own ticker symbols. Options can be …

Do Commodities Lead the Equity Markets?

It is generally accepted that commodity prices can have an impact on equity markets, as the prices of commodities can affect the profitability and performance of companies in various sectors. For example, a rise in the price of oil may benefit companies in the energy sector, while a decline in …

Pricing Options In The Real-World Measure

Option pricing is usually carried out in the risk-neutral world where the market participants are assumed to be indifferent between taking a certain payoff or investing in an asset with that same expected return. Mathematically, an option’s price is the expected value of its payoff in the risk-neutral measure discounted …

Trading Butterfly Option Positions: a Long/Short Approach

A butterfly option position is an advanced trading strategy that requires a combination of calls and/or puts with three different strike prices of the same maturity. It’s a non-directional options trading strategy that is commonly used when an investor believes that the underlying asset’s price will remain relatively stable in …